Our mission
STAR Water Group has developed patented systems and solutions through innovation in research, technology and finance to address major infrastructure challenges we are facing in the twenty first century. Some of these challenges are:
- Fixing aging infrastructure including drainage and water supply networks.
- Providing enough clean water for growing populations in an ever changing climate.
- Keeping precious waterways free of pollution.
- Preserving natural resources as we build new infrastructure.
- Upholding low energy consumption principles in doing so.
This is STAR Water Group mission, this is STAR Water Group business.
What started as a way of utilising materials diverted from landfill has become a global water solutions company. With operations across Australia, Singapore, Canada and the United States, STAR Water Group is building a global network providing systems and solutions addressing each of the above mentioned challenges.
Ironically, more rain falls on most cities than water consumed by the community, yet in most cases this water is allowed to accumulate surface pollutants before ending up in waterways via antiquated drainage systems.
The challenge to date has been how to capture and treat stormwater run-off over such vast areas around cities in a cost effective and efficient manner. Add to this, water agencies lack of financial resources to cope with the scale of the problem, especially since revenue streams are declining due to needed water conservation policies and wide spread drought conditions.
STAR Water Group has developed systems and solutions that address these challenges through innovation in research, technology and finance.
Since 1997, the Centre for Organic & Resource Education (CORE) has been engaged in researching and piloting stormwater and low flow industrial waste water filtration technologies throughout Australia.
This research was co-funded by the Department of Environment and Climate Change and Water (DECCW), formely called the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), the Department of Environment and Heritage and carried out by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and the University of NSW and Melbourne University.
The research involved investigating the potential use of specified composted garden organics to enhance filtration media performance in water infiltration systems. Both laboratory and field research was undertaken, with various pilot projects and trial sites set up within Australia. The research concluded that purpose designed organic filtration media can substantially improve water quality and enable water reuse.