STAR Water has initiated a Greenhouse Gas Inventory to analyse its carbon footprint!

The total carbon inventory calculated for STAR Water Solutions is 153 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (TCO2e) for 2011/12. Approximately 99% of the business’s carbon footprint is from air travel.

In addition to currently purchasing 100% Greenpower, STAR Water Solutions has decided to reduce its carbon footprint by offsetting part of its emissions through two different projects:

BHL Biogas and Bagasse based cogeneration project activity at Kinauni

The project activity is an extraction and combustion of biogas and utilisation of biogas in the boiler for steam generation. The steam generated is supplied to the turbine for power generation. The project is by Bajaj Hindustan Limited (BHL) in Kinauni, Uttar Pradesh, India. In the absence of the project BHL would have treated the spent wash in an open lagoon treatment system and steam would have been generated from the Bagasse fired boiler and power imported from the coal fired grid.

Native Tree Planting

Carbon Neutral’s Biodiverse native Australian tree planting project offers biodiverse conservation plantings using trees and shrubs that are native to Australia. While there is a place for monoculture planting (one species over a wide area), the advantage of biodiverse planting is that it helps to keep the environment in a natural balance. A habitat which is species-rich is more resilient and adaptable to one in which the range of species is limited.

STAR Water’s goal is to decrease its overall greenhouse gas emissions by reducing GHG emitting activities and purchasing offsets where possible.


STAR Water Solutions exhibited at:

G’day USA Radio Interview

G’day USA 2010 STAR Water interview:

Singapore International Water Week 2012

STAR Water Solutions exhibited at:

Singapore International Water Week 2012

STAR Water 100% Green Power

STAR Water’s headquarter in Sydney is 100% Green Power. GreenPower is a voluntary government accredited program that enables energy providers to purchase renewable energy . It is a joint initiative of the ACT, NSW, SA, QLD, VIC and WA governments and guarantees that the renewable electricity we buy from energy suppliers meets stringent environmental standards.

Examples of generation which is not allowed in the scheme includes:

– Hydro power where significant river diversions have taken place as part of the hydro station being built
– Biomass using native rainforests
– Coal seam gas
– all types of non-renewable generation including coal fired, natural gas, oil, and nuclear